Thursday, June 30, 2011

NCAA 2011-2012 Banned Drug List

The NCAA has released it's 2011-2012 Banned Substance List. Please take some time to read over the entire list so that you are familiar with the medications and some of the ingredients found in nutritional supplements that are banned. Remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate the dietary supplement industry; therefore purity and safety of nutritional supplements can not be guaranteed. Student-athletes take nutritional supplements at their own risk. The only supplements that LSU student-athletes can safely consume are those supplied by the Strength and Conditioning Center. Click the link below to see this years Banned Substance List from the NCAA.

Please Note: Synthetic THC Cannabinoids (eg: Spice, K-2, JWH 018, JWH 073) have been added to the NCAA Banned Substance List. Testing positive on a NCAA test for this substance or any other substance on their list will result in a one-year suspension from competition.

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